REDLAT-DEI announces a call for research proposals by young scholars from the Latin America region. The focus are scholars who are doing their PhD or have finished their PhD in the last five years, and who are interested in engaging with the RED LAT-DEI fora. The activity aims to foster networking and cooperation among Latin American scholars, especially those in the early stages of their careers.

What is RED LAT-DEI?

The Red LatDEI is the Latin American regional network of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Its biannual conference seeks to create an interactive space between renowned experts in international economic law from different parts of the world, in order to discuss the role of Latin America in international economic governance. During the previous conferences, held at ITAM, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Federal Universidad de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), Universidad de Costa Rica; a significant number of the most important specialists in international economic law in the region were part of the conference. Among them, there were members of the Mercosur Arbitration Court, judges of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community and members of the WTO appellate body, in addition to more than 200 academics, lawyers and representatives of international organizations. The best articles and presentations from previous conferences were edited and published by the Network in co-edited books or relevant journals in the region. 

When will it take place?

The event will take place on July 11th, 2023  the day before the SIEL Biannual Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, and it will be hosted by Externado University. 

What is the dynamic?

The Speed Research dynamic consists in an activity enrolling scholars to discuss each others research project, its objectives, methodology and theoretical support. The activity will be organized around focal groups of three scholars, each composed of at least one senior member of RED LATDEI and two young scholars.  There will be rounds of presentations and contestation, having 15 minutes each. In each round, one young scholar will have a 3-minute introduction of their research, followed by 2-minute comments by the second young scholar. Young scholars exchange their position in the same round. The members of the organizing committee will the address his/her comments to both scholars in the final minutes of each round.

Time will be strictly controlled by the organizers. Young scholars are expected to have some concrete research to present, no vague ideas. They need to be able to present their research in a few minutes and save time for feedback.

How to submit a proposal? 

Research proposals have to be sent through this, and it requests a short description of your research (250-300 words, and five  keywords). The deadline is 12 May 2023. The selected proposals will be anounced on 9 June 2023

*DISCLAIMER: The RED LAT-DEI is not able to support any costs for young scholars participation, but we are happy to invite you for a soft drinks welcome meeting right after the activity.


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