Prospects for Latin American international economic law in times of crisis

From 11 to 12 July 2023

Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá D.C-Colombia

Call for Papers - Articles, Panels and Posters


Deadline for submission of proposals: 12 May 2023 through the link https://forms.gle/xD6i8YC6BjypihBG6

Dissemination of the results: 9 June 2023

Deadline for submission of papers and presentations: 4 July 2023

Working languages of the conference: English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Latin American Network of International Economic Law (Red Latinoamericana De Derecho Economico Internacional-Red LatDEI) and Universidad Externado de Colombia invite the academic community, government officials or officials of official institutions, private professionals, lawyers, economists, experts in international relations or international trade to submit their proposals for articles, panels and posters.

For the Red LatDEI it is very important to open a space for debate in which to discuss the future of the region and the contributions that can be made from both academia and professional practice in the area of international economic law. Considering the relevance that voices from the global south are gaining, it is important to recognise from Latin America our positions on how to apply international economic law, as well as the needs that this branch of law can satisfy.

Proposals may address the following topics:

       Challenges for Latin America in the face of resurgent nationalist and protectionist policies

       The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on international economic law in Latin America

       The international rule of law and nationalist policies in trade and investment;

       Latin American integration: advantages and obstacles

       The impact and future of Trade Agreements

       New investment agreements

       Latin America's role in the WTO

       Reform of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system

       New challenges for international economic law in Latin America with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

       International economic law solutions to address the climate crisis

       Business and Human rights

Any other proposal related to the central theme of the conference may be considered by the committee.

The conference will be conducted on the basis of individual panels and readings in plenary format. The plenary sessions will have a moderator and commentators. Plenary session speakers will be convened by the LATDEI Network Committee.

Applications should be sent through the following form https://forms.gle/xD6i8YC6BjypihBG6

Panel and poster presenters will be selected on the basis of a double peer review, according to the following terms:

Individual papers or posters: an abstract of up to 500 words with the topic to be discussed in the article, and include name, affiliation and short biography. It should be indicated whether the work has already been published, is a working paper, or is unpublished. In addition, it should be indicated whether the author intends to publish his/her final paper in a thematic book or special issue of an online journal.

Proposals for Panels: The proposal must have:

(a) at least three members;

(b) a title and an abstract with a maximum of 500 words;

(c) presenters and their information (affiliation, titles and abstracts of individual presentations), 300 words each.

Deadlines for proposals and paper submission are the same as for individual applications. Preferably, the panel should have a balanced regional and gender representation, as well as a diversity of opinions. The organiser of each panel is responsible for ensuring the participation of other members.

Individual applications from non-academic professionals: in order to promote dialogue between academia and the private and governmental sectors, a limited number of submissions will be allowed without the obligation to submit a paper. This option is only available to professionals who are not linked to the academic sector. The requirements for this type of proposal are:

(a) submission of an abstract of no more than 300 words on the topic to be addressed in the presentation;

(b) the subject of the presentation must be directly related to the candidate's professional experience - the proposal must include a brief description of the professional experience and the link to the subject of the presentation, in addition to the candidate's CV;

 (c) a commitment to submit a presentation in PowerPoint format to be used during the conference.


Funding: The organization of the event does not cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the panelists. The registration fee represents a minimum fee and will be published with the general information of the meeting.

Publication: For publication purposes, the article must be between 20 and 30 pages in length. In addition, an editorial committee will select works that meet the required standards of quality and relevance based on the conference theme. In addition to the editorial committee, academics will also evaluate the papers.

Contacts: redlatdei@gmail.com

Papers and presentations should be submitted via the form https://forms.gle/xD6i8YC6BjypihBG6

Call for the Assembly and invitation to new members: We invite all conference participants to become members of the Network and to participate in the Red LatDEI administrative meeting.



 More about the Red LatDEI: The Red LatDEI is the Latin American regional network of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Its biannual conference seeks to create an interactive space between renowned experts in international economic law from different parts of the world, in order to discuss the role of Latin America in international economic governance. During the previous conferences, held at ITAM, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Federal Universidad de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), Universidad de Costa Rica; a significant number of the most important specialists in international economic law in the region were part of the conference. Among them, there were members of the Mercosur Arbitration Court, judges of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community and members of the WTO appellate body, in addition to more than 200 academics, lawyers and representatives of international organizations. The best articles and presentations from previous conferences were edited and published by the Network in co-edited books or relevant journals in the region.


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